Some Sobering Facts - Viking Energy Wind Farm
I go through phases when I'm obsessed with facts about the Viking Energy Wind Farm in Shetland. Perhaps this compulsion to collect...
Some Sobering Facts - Viking Energy Wind Farm
Winds of Change - Public Film Screening
Conversations and Creative Writing: A Workshop Around the Energy Transition
Peat landslide at Viking Energy Wind Farm
The Common Wealth of Wind in Shetland
Learning from Arctic Russia
Viking Energy is in effect an offshore wind farm
Relate North: Everyday Extremes
20,000 Volts Under the Sea
Vulnerable Thoughts in Peripheral Places
Installation Photos of Hidden Flowers Bloom Beautifully
Timely Reminder of Scale
Exhibitions are open!
Landscapes of Mutability
An outside perspective on the Viking Energy Wind Farm
Arrived in Switzerland!
Who are the artists in dialogue for Hidden Flowers Bloom Beautifully?
Off to Switzerland!
Getting Started